65 Vas. Pavlou, 166 73, Voula  +30 210 89.93.800  ssymeonidou@skinclinic4you.gr


It is a condition in which the hair on the head or any other part of the body falls out, while the underlying skin is completely normal.

How does alopecia areata appear?

It usually appears as bald "patches", (round or oval plaques without hairs) which are a few centimeters in diameter. The skin is smooth and soft. These plaques may coalesce and cover large areas of skin. When they affect the back and the sides of the head it is called ophiasis. When it affects the whole head, it is called alopecia totalis and when it affects the whole body it is called alopecia universalis. About 50% of cases start in childhood.

What causes alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune inherited disease. This means that the body makes antibodies that attack the hair follicles. People with alopecia areata come from families where a member also has alopecia areata or another autoimmune disease. They also have a higher incidence of thyroid disease, vitiligo and atopic dermatitis. This is the why patients with alopecia areata should be screened for other autoimmune diseases as well as for thyroid disease.

It is a disease that can recur. Its appearance or recurrence usually is triggered out after a viral infection, injury, hormonal changes and intense stress.

What is the treatment for alopecia areata?

There are several treatments that can help, such as:

Topical treatments
• Strong or very strong topical steroids in the form of cream or lotion.
• Minoxidil solution or foam.
• Anthralin ointment.
• Intralesional corticosteroid injections.

Systemic corticosteroids
Oral or intravenous steroids in high doses can help. However, their long-term use should be avoided due to the significant side effects they cause.

We use sensitizers, such as diphencyprone, which cause contact dermatitis (severe skin irritation) in the treated area and mobilize hair regrowth.
It is a fact that after the end of any treatment there is a risk of new hair falling out.

Patients with severe and persistent alopecia areata often experience symptoms of anxiety and depression and need psychological support.


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Our clinic offers great quality of medical services. Our philosophy is to use all the advanced medical knowledge in order to give our patients an absolutely natural outcome customized to each of them according to their gender, age, personality and personal needs.


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+30 210 89.93.800

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Monday 9:30 -13:30
17:30 -21:00
Tuesday 9:30 -13:30
17:30 -21:00
Wednesday 9:30 -13:30
17:30 -21:00
Thursday 9:30 - 16:00
Friday 9:30 -13:30
17:30 -21:00

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