65 Vas. Pavlou, 166 73, Voula  +30 210 89.93.800  ssymeonidou@skinclinic4you.gr


We are often concerned about issues of the shape of our face, whether they are natural asymmetries due to “construction” or some medical problem, or as a result of the body's natural aging.

Hollow (Empty) cheeks

As we grow older, we lose the normal fat in our face, our cheeks "empty" and our face becomes "heavier" gaining more volume towards the jaw. The need to restore the volume on the cheeks is covered by the use of hyaluronic acid fillers and threads or the use of HIFU technology. In other cases we just want to highlight our cheekbones a bit, which can be achieved by injecting hyaluronic acid fillers with a special technique.

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Lip contour and volume

One problem that many of us are concerned with is that as we grow older our lips gradually lose their volume. The upper lip loosens and becomes thinner, while fine lines appear around the lips, also known as "smoker’s" lines. In other cases, we just want our lips to look more juicy and hydrated. In order to improve our lips, we mainly use hyaluronic acid fillers.

What do I gain by having a lip enhancement treatment?

With this particular treatment you can instantly have fuller and sensual lips. You can also correct lip deformities and gain self-confidence. You can wear any lipstick or lip gloss you like (with no fear of how your lips are going to look like). Men can restore their lost lip volume achieving a youthful appearance.

Which areas can be treated?

Lip a treatment can address different issues. It can address one or more of the following:

• Upper or/and lower lip volume.
• Lip contour.
• Lines around the lips (known as smoker’s lines).
• The corners of the mouth (which are “pulled down” as we grow older).
• A small dent of the upper lip, in V shape, which in time gradually becomes flat.
• Lip hydration.

How is the treatment performed?

We inject hyaluronic acid on the area we want to fill or hydrate. It can be performed under nerve block anaesthesia (an injection of anaesthetic in the gums) or simply with the use of an anaesthetic cream. Some patients don’t even need any kind of anaesthesia as most of the hyaluronic acid fillers contain lidocaine (an anaesthetic substance in them). The procedure is applied with the use of a fine needle or a cannula, depending on the position and the size of the problem.

Are there side effects?

After the injection of the hyaluronic acid filler on the lips, a minor to moderate edema (swelling) is created which can last up to 2 days. In order to minimise the swelling, ice is used on the area right after the treatment. Also, ecchymoses (bruises) may occur due to the needle stings which can be covered up with make-up or lipsticks in women.

How long does the result last?

Hyaluronic acid fillers fully disintegrate in time and our lips go back to their initial state. In order to maintain the result, we recommend repeating the treatment every 6-9 months depending on the area, the size of the problem and each patient.

With which techniques can it be combined?

It can be combined with peeling, fractional laser, mesotherapy, microdermabrasion, dermapen when we refer to the smoker’s wrinkles around the mouth.

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Usually, after the 40's issues that have to do with the jawline begin to concern us. The first signs of skin loosening (doggy ears), can be treated in this area with the use of wrinkle relaxants, hyaluronic acid fillers, threads ,special laser tightening systems (ST), RF and HIFU.

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Lines around the nose (nasolabial folds) and sad wrinkles (or marionette’s lines)

We are often concerned with the nasolabial folds as well as the lines going down from the corners of the mouth to the chin, called sad wrinkles. Highly effective treatments to restore them are hyaluronic acid fillers, threads and sometimes depending on the age and the “heaviness “of the face the HIFU technology.

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Hollow (Empty) chin

As we grow older our chin tends to "get in". When we restore our "lost" volume we immediately have a youthful appearance to the face. With special techniques we can "fill", "pull", "turn" inwards or square (in the case of men) the chin, which contributes significantly to the improvement of our our appearance, giving a more youthful look. This is accomplished by the use of hyaluronic acid fillers applied with special techniques.

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Face / Neck loosening

Skin loosening concerns all of us. Its main cause is the reduction of the quantity and the change in the quality of its collagen and elastin, substances responsible for maintaining hydration, elasticity and firmness of the skin. It is one of the most important challenges for the dermatologist, who has to apply various non-surgical techniques to treat it.

Why does the skin loosen?

The basic cause for skin loosening is a decrease in quality and the change in the quality of collagen and elastin. These substances are responsible for maintaining the hydration, elasticity and firmness of the skin.

What are the causes for the collagen and elastin decrease?

• Heredity.
• Hormonal changes (e.g. pregnancy, menopause, diabetes mellitus).
• Solar radiation.
• Low intake of antioxidant vitamins with foods (B12, A, C).
• Sharp fluctuations in weight.
• Exhaustive diets that lead to sudden weight loss.
• Smoking.
• Abrupt interruption of the sport.

What are the appropriate treatments to deal with mild to moderate skin loosening?

• BBL Skin-tyte technology (SCITON) which uses the energy of infrared light to cause temperature rise in the deeper skin layers and to mobilize the fibroblasts to produce "new" collagen, resulting in tightening. This collagen production continues for months even after the end of treatment, enhancing the final result.
• RF (radiofrequency) 3 MAX-plus. It is a multipolar radiofrequency, with a mechanism of action similar to BBL skin-tyte (Sciton). It raises the temperature deep into the skin and stimulates the collagen production.
• Mesotherapy with special tightening materials.
• PDO / APTOS thread lifting.
• HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound).

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Double chin

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat develops below the chin. It is due to weight gain in overweight people and to genetic factors as it can appear in normal weight people too. It can also be aggravated by the skin sagginess as we are getting older.

How can we treat double -chin?

Recent advancements have expanded the options for double-chin removal beyond surgery to in-office treatments.

These treatments are: 
• Injecting fat-soluble substances to destroy local fat, which can be combined with skin tightening treatments such as botulinum toxin, RF , BBL SKIN-TYTE, Dermapen, Fractional laser, mesotherapy or autologous mesotherapy (ACR), PDO and Aptos threads, when skin loosening contributes significantly to the appearance of double chin.
• Also, an effort to lose weight in cases of obesity with a low-calorie diet and plenty of water intake, about 2 ½ liters per day, will help to improve double-chin.

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end faq



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